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STATCAP-CERDAS PROGRAM: a new program from BPs

00.06 Reporter: riezea 37 Responses


bpsSTATCAP-Smart is an acronym of Statistical Capacity Building-Change and Reform for development of Statistics. This program is intended to strengthen the national statistics system  with the changes and reforms. This program is important because it has a mission to build the main focus on improving the quality of data. And actually the another goal is created credibilty of BPS .  On this program in cooperation BPS with  World Bank.

There is 4 component of STATCAP-CERDAS that will be principal improvement.

  1. Improvement starts from planning, metodology, census, processing, also serving and dissemination
  2. Improvement facilities and  infrastuctures, generally in Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
  3. Improvement  for reliability of Human Resources
  4. The emphasis of institutional aspect, from internal and also eksternal side.

Besides of 4 component , there is 5 more aspect that will be changed via STATCAP-CERDAS. here the list:

  1. Organization structure
  2. Procedure/work relationship
  3. Human resources and work culture
  4. Performance indicator
  5. Infrastructure (ICT)

reformation process isn’t simpel, cause there is something that  must be thinking in improvement of BPS. Hope this program will make BPS better and better for provide data for society of indonesia


Regression and Correlation

14.01 Reporter: zea 6 Responses

Regression and Correlation>>>Regression in the statistics is one method to determine the influence of a variable level of the other variables. The first is called the various terms: the variable description, explanatory variable, independent variables, or independently, the variables X (as is often depicted in the graph as absis, or X axis).

The second variable is the variable that is affected, dependent variables, the variables are bound, or variable Y. The two variables can be a random variable (random), but the variables that influence should always be a random variable. 

regression analysis is one of the most popular and knowledgeable . Almost all parts of science that requires the analysis may be known this analysis. 

This analysis was first used by Karl Pearson, a proponent mathematic and eugenic ideas, to analyze the nature of the relationship between parents and their children. 

In the theory of probability and statistics, correlation, also called correlation coefficient, is a value that indicates the strength and direction of the relationship between the two linear(random variable). 

Correlation coefficients ranged from a value 


One type of correlation is the most popular correlation coefficient Pearson product-moment, obtained by dividing the two variables covariance with multiple ancillary. Though Pearson has a name, this method was first introduced by Francis Galton.


Non Probablity Sampling Methods

16.07 Reporter: riezea 3 Responses

Actually there are two sampling methods, namely probability sampling and non-probability sampling. However, we will study the second. 

Non-Probability Sampling Method is a method of selecting a sample of the population does not use the rule-rule probability (opportunities). Non-Probability Sampling methods used when Probability Sampling methods can not be used, particularly in relation to the reduction of cost, time, energy and the problems that arise in the framework of making the sample. 

Including the probabilita Sampling method is as follows: 
1. Convinience Sampling 
2. Judgment Sampling 
3. Quota Sampling 
4. Snowball Sampling 

Let's take a look one by one
1. Convenience  sampling

Basic Concept The sample was taken based on the availability of the elements and the ease to get The sample was chosen because at the time and the right place This is usually used in the initial phase of research 
Advantages: a. Cheaper and faster (cost effective and time) b. Suitable for pilot study Disadvantages: a. The result is not reliable b. Can not be used when the population can not be defined 
Sample Applications : Research on consumer perceptions of the service. Research carried out for a sunday. Samples are taken of 100 people. Consumers will be selected as the sample is the first of 100 people found in the store during the period of research. 

2. Judgment sampling 

Basic Concept Judgment sampling is a sampling based on criteria that have been determined Sampling criteria, namely, two, Expert sampling The selection of representative sample based on the opinions of experts who so and the number of samples taken depends on the opinions of experts concerned. 

Purposively sampling Sample selection based on personal research on the researchers who claim that the sample selected truly representative. Researchers must have adequate knowledge. 
Advantages: a.When probability sampling can not be used at all 
b.when sample is very small (<20) 

I hope you can understand it and get useful information. There may be words that are strange and the new note by you, tomorrow there is more about statistics and its continue .  Statistic for our life, trust it Do not forget to leave your comment, url or e-mail


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